What we do

Eternal Benefits is a charity started by Ian and Lynn Warelow who at the age of 25 saw their lives transformed by the love of God and a love for their city of Hull. Giving up their careers Eternal Benefits was started with the aim of relieving the extreme deprivation they saw in their home city and a desire to see individuals and the city transformed and brought back to life.

25 years later the multi-award-winning Eternal Benefits works with over 4000 people per year in Hull, seeing the lives of people in Hull transformed from chaos, isolation and hopelessness to stability, community and fullness of life. The charity provides services and activities which help the most complex and hardest to reach residents in the estates of Hull. Every week we build a relationship with children and young people, with low-income families, the elderly, the long-term unemployed, asylum seekers, refugees, the homeless, ex-offenders and those struggling with drug problems and mental health. 


We do this through a number of highly effective programs. We have a Children’s and Youth program, an Over 60’s program, we run a Drop-In Cafe, English Language Classes, Employment Training, a Volunteer Program alongside an Essential Furniture Enterprise for people in hardship.  Alongside this, we gather those that are looking for bigger answers to the hard questions of life and invite them to small groups and a church family gathering.


We believe every single individual is a (scientifically proven) unique creation and should be treated as so.  That means in God’s eyes, and ours, every individual matters and count for receiving the Eternal Benefits that come through knowing that God loves them and has an adventurous purpose for their lives.

We know from our personal experience that life is much more than wealth, fame and power.  We believe relationships are key to a fulfilled and happy life.  That starts with a good, right relationship with God, His family, the Church, our wider family and friends, neighbours and community.  Our aim is to love people holistically and practically creating relationships that are more meaningful instead of just giving people a much-needed meal, a piece of furniture or an activity to attend. We aim to be bringers of hope, peace, love, kindness, generosity and faith.

Get in contact using our contact page to find out more


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