God’s Honest Truth

God’s Honest Truth

GHT God’s Honest Truth about Ian Warelow and his life sentence in prison! (for those who like a bit of ‘goss’). I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth! I did 20 years in prison! Over the last 30 years, I have heard that I was in...

Everyone counts for Eternal Benefits

Don’t we all want our lives to count? To know the benefits of LIFE? There are short term benefits and there are ETERNAL BENEFITS that are available to every single one of us – no one is excluded! Every individual counts and is created to enjoy LIFE! Some...
Does church turn you off?

Does church turn you off?

Ever wonder why more people don’t attend church? Are there really over 254,000 heathen in the city of Hull? Of course not! So what is the problem? I’ll unravel some thoughts from my 37 years of loving what the Church should be. Firstly, could it be...